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    Free Training by Shanna Skidmore

    Free Training by Shanna Skidmore

    80 hour work weeks & social media fame—NOT required!

    Create a workable —Money Making!— Plan to grow your small business

    free training

    For the past 15 years I’ve worked in finance helping entrepreneurs around the world make more money and then manage it well. During that time I’ve unlocked the blueprint to building a profitable and sustainable business designed to align with the life you want to live

    I'm Shanna Skidmore

    former Fortune 100 Financial Advisor turned Business Consultant for Creative Entrepreneurs.


    Here’s the thing—managing your business finances can be hard, and it’s not everyone’s best skill—but it *is* mine. 

    I would be honored to come alongside you on your business journey.


    "My business sales are good but I hardly take home a paycheck at all." 

    ^^ Does this sound a little too familiar?

    There are entirely too many shiny things distracting you from what *really* matters in your business. 

    If you want your business to succeed—and you want to thrive at the helm—there’s only one metric that counts: your money.

    ^^ It’s a tough pill to swallow—I know. 


    Money may not be the reason you started your business, but it’s the only thing that will keep you in business. 

    Join me for this free on-demand training and walk away with a plan to understand your business finances, take the fear out of money, and set up your business for long-term success based on the one metric that *really* matters: your money!  

      "Shanna gets you to look at all the stuff you've been avoiding and shows you the stuff that's actually going to make a difference."


      If I had known all this was possible in the beginning, I could have saved so many years of suffering and struggling. You have totally changed my life.

      - Erin Benzakein

      Founder floret flower farm

      "That exercise really made me see that we can make it happen, we can afford it, and it's worth it."

      During your exercise, I wrote down that I wanted to travel for one month out of the year and guess what? We are all booked for an entire month in Maui! It's insane! You're the best, thanks for the encouragement!

      - Jenna Kutcher

      Goal Digger podcast host, educator

      "This was the first year I was able to pay myself every week without freaking out a bit, because I know exactly how our numbers work."

      Finally I understand how much I need to bring home to cover our expenses, give, and grow a business. Bonus: I actually ended up learning how I could take on less clients and still make more instead of just saying yes to everything.

      - Ashlyn Carter



      I’m giving you the tools you need to set your business up for success—we’re talking nitty-gritty on long-term profitability and sustainability—and ensure there’s always money in the bank when you need it.

      The Training is 90-Minutes Long


      To Feel More Empowered in your Finances

      THE GOAL?

      Get Immediate Access


      Five Days to Watch

      the details:


      The *real* reason some businesses fail while others succeed (+ the key to ensuring YOUR success).

      How to Find—and Get to!—the Magic Income Number That's Perfect for You.

      How to make the money you want, in the time you have! (without overwhelm and burnout). 

      — Meggan, floral designer

      You won't regret learning from Shanna! Her personality, effectiveness and ability to prioritize what really matters in life and business is so rare to find these days.

      — Amy t. won, Artist

      I have never been so giddy about numbers before! I've shed many many tears about money over 9 years of being a creative entrepreneur and I'm never as confident as I am now.

      — Britt bass, artist

      Shanna's strategy provides both the groundwork and follow through for new and established businesses to chart a course of success that ultimately frees us up to do what we do best—create!

      You don't have to waltz down Wall Street to be a wiz at your business numbers—

      My job? To guide you through the process like any good Jedi master … or the friend who taught you the right way to curl your hair. 

      You can master your finances and stick to what you do best. But until you cozy up with your business’s numbers, chances are you’re leaving time & money on the table.